An Introduction

 My name is Luke Akridge, and I am a Computer Science major at Georgia Gwinnett College. Related to that is my interest in programming. Programming is a field that relies on being able to process written information quickly, and make it applicable within a specific context. Syntax is incredibly important as the way computers function and operate is very different from how humans do. In programming, it can be assumed that most of the time is spent coding, but most of the time spent working is actually reading and re-reading code. Thus, reading and comprehension skills are vastly more important than writing a lot of code. Instead, too much code can often be considered to be a bad practice; efficiency wins out over fluff! Computers are also not as competent as they are often assumed to be. In fact, one of my favorite expressions is "computers are stupid." If given the opportunity, they will gladly shoot their own foot off and be confused as to why everything is malfunctioning.


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